Doctors and nurses rely on color vision
for diagnosing illness. Red-green colorblindness robs them of the ability to see numerous symptoms. It can be practically
impossible for color deficients to see veins, vasculature, pallor, cyanosis, jaundice, rashes, bruising, erythema, retinal
damage, ear and throat inflammation, blood in excretions, and even medical charts and graphs. Oxy-Iso lenses correct red-green
color-deficiency in a manner consistent with the perceptual needs of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel. They make
the invisible, visible. Now providing colorblindness correction to the non-medical community as well. How it works: The Oxy-Iso
aids red-green colorblindness by enhancing the oxygenation signal which red-green color vision is designed to see (it also
hinders perception of concentration variations). For this reason it is also used for vein-finding by medical personnel with
normal color vision. O2Amp technology is passive, not providing its own light; good lighting is therefore crucial to its function,
and for clinical settings we recommend a head lamp (at least 60 lumens). (Search on "Ravenous Colorblind" for more information
about the benefits -- and limitations -- for colorblindness. See also the "Clinical Colorblindness" white paper at o2amp dot
com for more.) (Oxy-Iso technology is also available as a lamp, see the "Oxy-Iso Vein-Finder (and Colorblindness) Light Bulb".)